Getting To Know Poptropica

In Poptropica, there’s almost no end to the fun and adventures that take place in the game. The primary goal of the game is to take part in and finish the different islands, or quests, in the game. Each island has a individual plot and theme and specific objectives. Poptropica is cartoony and fun and is an exciting game to play.

There are many hidden items and secrets in the game. There are so many Poptropica secrets that they can’t all fit into a single web site but I’ve got a brief overview of Poptropica to show what can be done in Poptropica.

Poptropica Island Medallions
Medallions are your reward for completing the different Poptropica Islands

The Islands

You’ll find twenty-four island quests in Poptropica, with many more arriving about once per month. The islands are:

  • Early Poptropica
  • Shark tooth
  • 24 Carrot
  • Time Tangled
  • Super Power
  • Spy
  • Nabooti
  • Big Nate
  • Astro-Knights
  • Counterfeit
  • Reality TV
  • Mythology
  • Skullduggery Island
  • Steamworks Island
  • Great Pumpkin Island
  • Cryptids Island
  • Wild West Island
  • Wimpy Wonderland
  • Red Dragon Island
  • Shrink Ray Island
  • Mystery Train Island
  • Game Show Island
  • Ghost Story Island
  • S.O.S. Island
  • Vampire’s Curse Island
  • Twisted Thicket
  • Poptropolis Games
  • Wimpy Boardwalk
  • Lunar Colony
  • Super Villain Island
  • Charlie and the Chocolate Factory
  • Zomberry Island
  • Night Watch Island
  • Back Lot Island
  • Virus Hunter Island
  • Mocktropica Island
  • Monster Carnival Island
  • Survival Island
  • Mission: Atlantis

You can play any island mission whenever you want, but you probably want to get going with one of the simpler islands, like Early Poptropica to build a feel for how to play.

How to Play the Game

Your character may be either gender and you can change the appearance before beginning the game. You can start with a new player every time or register with the site to save your character as a repeat player.

The game is like a classic side-scroller. You start each island adventure by arriving and then you have to talk to characters that you encounter to figure out what you need to do. You then progress through the mission until you have completed all the tasks you need to do.

Poptropica brings together logic challenges and quests with arcade skills like jumping, running and playing with objects in the world. Much of the game involves jumping around things in the way or climbing up buildings to find secret spots.

Other Players

There are some buildings on all of the Poptropica islands you can play contests against other players. Winning several mini-games improves your battle ranking. You can also chat with other players using a menu of things to say.

Super Power Island Step By Step

Here is helpful information to Poptropica Super Power Island. It’s one of the earliest islands you can play on Poptropica. Old School!

To start, let us go to Super Power island. When you arrive, visit the correct and go inside the Comic Store. You Will see a nerdy looking man on the right-side of the shop dressed like a geek. Speak to him and discover if he has anything other than comic books. He can give you a book called The Super-Hero’s Handbook he wrote. You keep the novel in your stock and can study it.

Leave the comic shop and go to the next store on the right, the Hides and Capes shop. Walk to the left and discover the man with the scissors and speak to him. He can give you a Brilliant Hero ID card which tracks all the villains that you just have conquered and identifies you as a superhero.

On the other side of the store is a row of mannequins that have distinct costumes on them. Snap on them to pick your costume. It’s possible for you to mix and match pieces from all the different costumes.

OK, next go from the Capes and Conceals shop and check out the left. Cross through the water and you will arrive on an island with a jailhouse that’s a huge green meteorite that crashed into it. Speak to the prison warden. Inquire him about the loose prisoners and he will give you a product called the, Superb Villain Files.

You’ll be able to look through these documents to see all the super villains that you have to capture. Subsequently speak with the lady wearing the lab coat and she provides you anti-energy handcuffs, which were created to enable you to capture super-villains. When you get those items, it’s time to catch some super-villains! Go all the way to the until you get to some sign that says Downtown. Snap the sign to go to the next room. It’s a brief one. Walk to the correct and after that click on another hint and you may arrive at Main Street. Speak with the policemen who are standing outside of the banking and they’re going to inform you that Copy Cat, one of the super villains who escaped the penitentiary, is inside.

Enter the banking where Copy-Cat is standing, and go left. She’s going to make a lot copies of herself and each among the copies will hide in a separate location in the bank. She’ll also fall a smoke grenade on the ground until there’s a lot of smoke in the banking for you yourself to breathe and you are going to just have about a minute. You must get all the copies of her before there’s too much smoke in the bank. Only walk over each duplicate of her to make it go poof and vanish. You’ll need to jump up a small to get all the copies. Use the elevator on the extreme right to get to the upper-level.

You may catch her, when you get to the last copy-cat and you will see a newspaper announcing her capture. You Will be sent back to the penitentiary and you will see her again behind bars. If you have a look at your Super Hero ID card in your inventory, you will see that you’ve got one sticker in your villains get the better of section. Now it is time to catch even more!

Go back to Main Street and go every one of the manner to the until you’re competent to some Subway sign. Click on the measures to drop into the Stop. Talk to the police officers in the subway Station and they will tell you they need assistance catching Speeding Spike. Go inside the train then walk all the way to the right, where you can see Rushing Spike keeping a bag of cash. Getting him is straightforward. Simply keep bound over him when he makes an attempt to strike you with the bag of money. He will keep moving to the left to different train autos and if you’re able to keep getting him to miss you he’ll get therefore exhausted out that he sits down on the flooring. When he does that, walk-up to him to put on the cuffs and send him straight back to jail.

Go straight back all the way to the right and also this time go after dark tube Station stairway to get to the city Park. When you arrive, you will see that Sir Rebral is standing on top of a broken statue. You learn that he is controlling stone that fly upwards in the ground and follow you until you were strike by them, when you-go near him. You desire to place yourself so that you could leap to avoid them ( they’ll nonetheless follow you ) and then get your self on the other side of Sir Rebral therefore the rocks hit him instead. This will make him angry and then elements of the ground will start turning up.

The next step is really to find the light gray stone that you just can shove. Transfer this stone on top of one of the locations where the ground turns up therefore the stone will fly upward into the air and hit Sir Rebral. This will knock him down and stun him therefore you’re able to walk up to him and get him with the handcuffs. You Will return to the jail house where you’ll be able to see him securely in prison guard.

Return to the town Park and go in the public washroom. There Is a hole next to among the loos. Go down the hole to get into the sewers. Walk around to the left and you will see a brownish wheel. Click it therefore that you proceed downwards while standing on the stage underneath and the water will drain. When it stops, visit the proper till you’re capable to some platforms. Bound upwards those and you’ll locate another wheel. Turn it to get the water rise again part-way. Swim to the left until you see the water and another wheel will rise again.

Head to the left again and you will discover a door which you can enter. Go through the door and Ratman will be within. Bound around the top-right corner of the Sewer Area while avoiding the rats, and you will see a reddish wheel. Snap on it to turn it, and it’ll spatter water over the Ratman and his flies. Ratman will be knocked-out and the flies which might be humming around him will begin following you. So you would like to attempt to get to Ratman extremely quickly if they contact you, you’re going to get bit. Click on him to handcuff him and deliver him back to jail.

Head back to Town Park and go each of the way to the right. You often see a sign for the Junkyard. Follow that hint to go inside. When you arrive, you’ll see Crusher standing in addition to a heap of junk. Speak with the police there and they are going to let you know they are unable to get him. Good thing you are a mega Hero here to save the day again. To defeat Crusher, you will sneak to sneak past him twice.

Head entirely to the proper and stand up together with the petroleum barrels subsequently leap onto the stage where he is standing and run right past him. You Will get into a crane. Jump up the crane until you’re able to the taxi on top and snap it. Then drag the magnet manage lever. The crane will release a hefty refrigerator which will fall on Crusher. But he lifts it away and throws it at you, knocking you back. And now he is’s extremely nutty. You’ve got to steal past Crusher another time, but now he is hurling empty petroleum barrels at you and they’ll knock you down if you get strike.

Attempt to reunite to the crane another time without becoming hit by the oil barrels as you go. When you get all the way back to the cab of the crane, click and drag the magnet lever again to turn it straight back on. The magnet will choose up Crusher and after that beat him flat! Then you’re able to safely go down to where he’s and place the handcuffs back on him. Crusher is time for prison!

Go straight back to the main place and review to the phone booth, that’ll be calling. Answer it and you will be given a fresh superpower. Now you have the ability to fly! Click on the flight icon in the lower-left corner to fly upwards into the air.

Head to the Downtown region and fly up to the very top of the Skyscraper then go up. You’ll see Betty Jetty sitting in addition to an antenna. She’ll taunt you and fly away. Ensure your flight electricity is activated and chase after her. She is going to throw green energy balls at you.

Each time you dodge them, you will get just a little closer to her and in the end you will end up close enough to catch her. You can only avert the green energy balls she throws by going off display each and every time they come in your area.

After you capture her, she will taunt you again, and Ned will be and knock her around. Now it is possible to set the handcuffs on her and she actually is captured and put-back in prison.

When you talk to the warden, he will say he gave the isle medallion to Ned Noodlehead for getting Betty Jetty. You’ll be able to convince Ned to give it to you by first going to the hot dog seller in Town Park. Talk with the vendor and he’ll give you a hot-dog. Subsequently go back to the comic book shop and talk to Ned Noodlehead. He will offer to trade you the medallion for a hot-dog. Do the trade and you may complete this mission.

P.S. you can find more walkthroughs at Poptropica Secrets. Fierce Moon is kind of awesome with her walkthroughs.