A Few of My Favorite Troops

…in Clash Royale. Here’s a collection of some of my favorite cards to play in the game. Just a mish-mash of awesome, really.

The Bomber

The Bomber is unlocked from the Training Camp (Tutorial). It truly is an area damage, medium-ranged troop with low hitpoints and damage that is moderate. A Bomber card costs 3 Elixir to deploy.

The Bomber’s look appears similar to that of a Skeleton, the exceptions being that it takes a black bomb and wears a blue/red (colour is dependent upon the right or left side of the Arena) cap with golden-rimmed pilots’ goggles.

The Bomber can be used as a defensive troop, being able to take out Skeleton Army Skeletons, Goblins, and Spear Goblins more effectively than most other cards. Archers and Barbarians choose multiple hits for the Bomber to remove, so when engaging these targets using the Bomber, make sure to supply protection just like a Knight or a Giant.

It is also helpful to defend high hitpoint troops against hordes of low health ground enemies, e.g protecting Giants against an opposing Skeleton Army. If a Bomber is on his own and he needs to be looked after, the player can perform a fast-fall to dispose with Guards and Goblins.

To do an instant fall, the Skeletons card must be selected by the player and pull them where they need them to go without releasing their finger. By delegating it, subsequently, they need to select the Goblins card. Ultimately, they need to drop the Skeletons first the Goblins. The Skeletons will be killed by the Bomber along with the Goblins will take outside him. Note it is possible to perform a fast-fall with any two units while following this formula.

The Bomber cannot attack air units, rendering it vulnerable against Minions and flying troops. But when using the Bomber the player can place protective troops including the Giant or the Baby Dragon.

As a quite light troop, the Bomber could be virtually pushed by almost any other troop in the game. In particular, Spear Goblins can push on the Bomber at their pace. Jointly they are able to engage targets inside their range that is comfortable, making for a fast ranged point- splash and target damage backup for your other troops across the river, or even a small and fast Arena Tower push.

For just three Elixir, the Bomber is among the least expensive counters to Barbarians and deals solid damage per level because of his range. In fact, it gets a Bomber only three throws to kill same level Barbarians.

Even though it’s low hitpoints, it truly is ready to endure Arrows of a similar level. Hence, using every other spell as squandering a Lightning or Fireball Spell to damage a Bomber results in an Elixir advantage for the opponent, is a waste of elixir. The player must use either air troops or damage that is high / high hitpoint troops. The Log can counter him, yet.

The Bomber can be used to take out average hitpoint troops like Mini P.E.K.K.A.s if deployed correctly.

The Bomber is interchangeable with Wizard, according to the player’s taste and approaches.. The Bomber has a bigger splash radius as opposed to Wizard, making him a more suitable alternative to destroy hordes of ground troops. Nonetheless, he has less hitpoints and cannot assault air troops.


The Goblins are unlocked from the Goblin Stadium (Arena 1). It spawns three quick, melee Goblins with low hit points and medium damage and it costs 2 Elixir to deploy.

Goblins are powerful as a distraction for high damage single target troops, including the Prince and Mini P.E.K.K.A., offensively and defensively.

When using it defensively wait for him to begin charging. After that, deploy Goblins diagonal to the center facing him. This will be able to soak up the damage done by the 2x charge damage and also make it so that he has to move a longer distance. Make sure when the Prince is close to the tower, that you deploy the Goblins. Otherwise, it’s going to begin charging again, causing a waste of Elixir.

They may be used as a damage dealing troop behind high hit point troops such as Giant Skeleton, the Giant and Golem. Several even the pair, a group of Barbarians, or Goblins set behind a Valkyrie can easily shove these slow-moving high hit points troops right into the opponent’s Crown Tower. This combination has more than enough damage to kill the tower prior to the tank troops are defeated if not countered.

For only two Elixir, considerable DPS is added by the Goblins card to some player assault, or can be used on the opposite end to protect against an opponent’s assault. If given enough time, they are able to dispose of threats such as Golem a Giant, or similar tank. As you can find only three of them the Goblins will likely want some help, though.

Speed and their damage can push an opposing player on quitting a group of Goblins, to use Elixir. Goblins have low hit points so they really can be easily killed by enchantments, including The Log Arrows, and Zap, taking into account the enchantments’ duration that is small to project, to lead the enchantments’ impact point.

An unsupported and un-countered group of Goblins will figure out how to acquire a single hit on the opposing Crown Tower of the same amount. This is a very elixir-saving way of finishing off a low-health tower, assuming if they are ignored by your opponent, or the enemy doesn’t have the elixir and/or the troops to counter it.

With perfect time, you can surround a splash damage troop like the Wizard with the support of the tower. This will give you an Elixir edge to counterattack.

Goblins really are an economical solution to deal high damage to building -targeting troops, like Giant or Hog Rider. Goblins can shove a Mini P.E.K.K.A., Barbarians or a Valkyrie if set behind them.

They therefore are a possible substitute for them, and are quite much like Skeletons, offering better stats in every way but for 1 added Elixir. The Miner will act as a tank while the Goblins do a lot of the damage, when combined having a Miner. This strategy is very inexpensive, fast, versatile, and could be played regularly, surprising your opponent. For 5 Elixir, it can be very useful and damaging.

They can be combined to great effect with the Hog Rider, by dropping them right next to him and pushing him to the side of the Stadium without him getting deflected by defenses. He continues directly for the tower, as well as the Goblins can do major injury to the defense or the tower. This is known as a “pig push”.

They’re an ideal counter for feeble, slow, or single -target components like the Ice Wizard and Witch they’re going to need too long to kill the Goblins and hence will undoubtedly be overwhelmed as.

If she is unprotected from the enemy troops, goblins can take out the Princess to get a confident elixir trade.

The Inferno Dragon

The Inferno Dragon is unlocked in the P.E.K.K.A.’s Playhouse (Arena 4). It’s a single- goal, short -ranged, flying troop with both damage and high hitpoints.

An Inferno Dragon card costs 4 Elixir to deploy. As it remains focused on one objective, just like the Inferno Tower, the Inferno Dragon’s damage increases over time.

He appears to be wearing a barrel full of an unknown substance on his back which looks like a jetpack. The substance could maybe be fuel.

In a number of manners, its appearance on the card resembles a Baby Dragon having a Helmet and its in-game appearance looks like a Barrel on its back plus a somewhat larger Baby Dragon having a Helmet which looks like a jetpack.

Since they cover each other’s weaknesses, coupling the Inferno Dragon with all the Baby Dragon might be a good strategy. This is referred to as the Double Dragon combo, which will be the air troop analogue of the Double Prince combo (single target high damage area damage).

It’s recommended to never let the Inferno Dragon lock onto a Crown Tower when defending. If it does manage to attack a tower, one of the greatest ways to procrastinate its attack is through the use of Freeze or the Ice Spirit. From dealing DPS that is massive for a couple of seconds, that could easily save most of the health of a Crown Tower, they can prevent it.

A Zap additionally works, as it’ll reset the Inferno Dragon’s beam and can cause objectives to alter.

A Minion Horde also can easily ruin an Inferno Dragon but at a 1 Elixir loss. However, the challenger will have to counter the residual Minions to prevent a lot of damage from being dealt upon the Crown Tower, that will set the adversary with an Elixir disadvantage.

Minions can do the same thing for a 1 Elixir profit as the Inferno Dragon takes relatively long to re-target after killing one of these, but you will be made with few, if any, minions to generate a drive that is counter.

The Mega Minion is more ineffective at dealing with Inferno Dragon due to it being a single troop, as well as dealing less overall damage per second compared to three Minions.

An incoming Inferno Dragon can be countered having an Inferno Tower, but also at a 1 Elixir loss.

However, the Inferno Tower will not attack last, on account of the longer range.

Small groups of weak troops like Goblins or even Skeletons are useful for deflecting an Inferno Dragon because of its low base damage and slow re-targeting.

A Tombstone or some spawner might be quite beneficial to stall an Inferno Dragon.

A Witch might be utilized to similar effect, and when set correctly, the Inferno Dragon will lock to the Skeletons spawned, while the Witch does damage. Nonetheless, note this will even end in an Elixir loss. You can nevertheless make use of the Witch that is enduring in a counterattack, nonetheless.

An Inferno Dragon can take out tanks, such as Golems and Giants, and could be an edge because it can be used to make a push. However, the player ought to make sure you take out any counters to the Inferno Dragon if it prevents killing the tanks or when they wish to create a push with it.

It deals enough damage to enable a tower before its maximum damage can be dealt by it, to eliminate the Inferno Dragon despite the fact that Arrows do little damage on the Inferno Dragon. It may end up being a practical option when the player does not have the Zap enchantment. It saves approximately 1500 damage to your own tower.

It WOn’t move when the Inferno Dragon has locked on to some target. In case the target moves out of range, the Inferno Dragon may move to keep up with it, but by doing this will reset the damage progression. Utilize this fact and make sure to deploy your Inferno Dragon close to troops or your towers to make certain that the target will be damaged by it for provided that possible.

The damage of the Inferno Dragon functions almost the same as the Inferno Tower. For the very first two seconds, it deals 9% damage (Grade 1). For the following two seconds, it combusts at 20% damage (Tier 2). After that, it will incinerate the enemy using its complete 100% damage (Grade 3).

On account of the 1 second server delay, the best time to stun /freeze before it reaches Tier 3 damage, the Inferno Dragon is at 3 seconds.

Because of the truth that it cannot pull on earth or building -targeting troops, it is not a replacement for the Inferno Tower.

Use heavy hitpoint troops to be taken out by an Inferno Dragon. Use another card with all the Inferno Dragon to take up a push, once the high hitpoint troop is taken out.

The Knight

The Knight is unlocked in the Training Camp (Tutorial). He is a single-target, melee troop with high hitpoints and damage that is reasonable. 3 is cost Elixir to deploy by a Knight card. The Knight has an astounding mustache, as the description states that are official and wields a long sword.

Due to damage and medium wellbeing and his low Elixir price, the Knight is a good option to work with with the damage dealing offense. Alternatively, the Knight can be used to back up higher hitpoint troops, such as the Giant Skeleton or Giant.

Use the Knight as it has fairly high hitpoints. The Knight can only target one target at a time. Using cards for example Skeleton Army or Guards will deflect and overwhelm the Knight.

With reasonable hitpoints and damage, he may be played both defensively and offensively. Although Barbarians continue to be urged over a Knight, he can survive a hit or two from a Prince.

It’s possible for him to be supported with Skeletons and Goblins to deal quick and great damage. This combo is not just economical but versatile. In addition, it gives you enough time and Elixir to defend against your opponent. Deploy a dash troop such as the Bomber in the event the combo fails.

He is great for taking out glass cannons as a result of attack speed that is quick and his good damage. The Knight is actually a good counter to the Miner due to Elixir, DPS, and his higher wellbeing edge along with the Dark Prince.

Since he can actually deal great damage to an Arena Tower solo, the player should not discount the Knight. They should use troops that are economical to pull him towards the center like Archers and Spear Goblins, so the Knight gets deflected and can’t get to towers easily.

The Minion Horde

The Minion Horde is unlocked in the P.E.K.K.A’s Playhouse (Arena 4). It spawns six single- target, short -ranged, flying Minions with low hitpoints and reasonable damage. A Minion Horde card costs 5 Elixir to deploy.

The Minion Horde is principally used to protect against tower-targeting troops or tanks like the Giant or the Golem, but beware of splash damage like Arrows or the Wizard! Also recall, the Arrows has a minor cast time, so it is likely before the Arrows arrive to have ruined the troop.

The player can cast the Arrows so that the Minion Horde can be taken out by the Arrows after setting their units before they are even able to touch their unit. This can be a high-risk, high-compensation move.

They may be powerful but cannot prevent some troops from physically hindering the player’s tower, as they’re air troops given that most heavy hitters do not deflect. For instance, they are able to take out Princes or Giant Skeletons, but while they’re at it, they are able to often reach the Arena Tower, dealing enormous passing damage or a powerful hit respectively. The player should keep this in mind and use troops such as Spear Goblins or Skeleton Army from causing hindrance to their own towers to prevent such troops.

The Minion Horde can be used effectively to support higher hitpoint troops, like Giants, removing any opposing ground troops and distractions for the hitpoint troops that were high. It is in a position to devastate the enemy’s Crown Tower in case the opposing player ignores the Minion Horde.

In case the adversary is likely low and zaps incoming Minions, a Freeze cast on the tower can effectively help the Minions that are just alive to make short work of the Tower. Arrows can right counter the Horde, removing the whole horde of Minions for a 2 Elixir advantage.

In the event that Arrows usually are not in the player’s deck, other area damage spells like the Fireball may be used to effectively take the Minions out though for a lesser Elixir advantage.

The Zap is a more affordable choice, if the Zap is 2 or more levels higher compared to Minion Horde removing them and completely causing each Minion to be eliminated in one hit by the Arena Towers.

The Wizard is advantageous as a counter to the horde. He is able to kill Minions up to 3 levels higher than him. The Witch also works, as by herself she can kill just 3, and Minion Hordes in just a couple of hits using the aid of the towers. Because of her distracting Skeletons that are spawned, typically the horde can’t do major damage to her and she can continue to be part of a drive.

A powerful technique to utilize is the Hog Rider and Minion Horde, followed by a Rage as soon as they reach the opposing Crown Tower. Minion Horde and the Hog Rider can destroy a Crown Tower effortlessly if left undefended.

Utilizing the Minion Horde instead of two batches of Minions saves 1 Elixir, as the conventional Minions cost 3 Elixir and spawns 3 while Minion Horde costs 5 Elixir and spawns 6.

The primary disadvantage with the Minion Horde is while the 3 Elixir Minions can instantly be drawn, the fact that it cannot be played easily in urgent situations.

Also, the Minions almost never survive long enough to stack up to 6 Minions without a Mirror. Playing a Mirror on Minions takes 7 Elixir. Less damage is dealt by them but are still powerful in threes. Another disadvantage is that Arrows or other spells can kill both, but the Minion Horde will cause one to lose more Elixir.

One useful plan will be to use both Minion Horde and Goblin Barrel. Both of them are not strong to Arrows, thus use either one to lure the Arrows out, and deploy the other. This may backfire, however, whenever an opponent has a splash damage troop such as the Poison or Fire Spirits. The competitor can mirror the Arrows, if he’s Mirror.

The Spear Goblins

The Spear Goblins are unlocked from the Goblin Stadium (Arena 1). It spawns three single- objective, moderate -ranged Goblins with low hitpoints and quite low damage. A Spear Goblins card costs 2 Elixir to deploy.

They resemble the conventional Goblins, but are skinnier and taller, have sharper elven ears and a six pack, put on a blue/red bandana, possess a spear-instance tied to their backs with a rope, and constantly have a wooden spear in their own hands. They share their outfit with Goblins.

Spear Goblins could be a good back-up to higher hitpoints troops including the Giant.

If reflected behind a tank, Spear Goblins will provide protection (6 Spear Goblins will take out single-unit glass cannons or Minion Horde essentially) as well as a strong push for the price of 5 Elixir; if coupled with the less expensive tanks including Giant or Balloon, this can bring about a near immediate increase of one Crown. This strategy continues to be quite vulnerable of spawning troops in between its support and the tank to the tactic.

They can be utilized efficiently to take down air troops including the Minions, Balloons, and Baby Dragons when they are deflected. But when the Spear Goblins are next to the tower, the Baby Dragon will take them out readily with 1 or 2 of its dab strikes with respect to the degree of the Baby or Goblins Dragon.

Spear Goblins are a decent defense for Towers against enemy air and earth Cards. As with other low hitpoint cards, the Spear Goblins can be easily eliminated troops and by spells that deal area damage, for example the Bomber as well as Arrows.

The Zap is extremely powerful to remove opposing Spear Goblins, because of the charm’s equal Elixir price of 2. However, the player should really be cautious about when they use their Zap, as the adversary send cards where the Zap could have been more appropriately used, such as for example Minions or a Goblin Barrel and may make the most of this.

Because of their low Elixir price, Spear Goblins are often disposable and may be used to block an enemy Prince’s charge. Spear Goblins may also be a cheaper option to the Archers.

The Spear Goblins are used in affiliation with high hitpoint troops put in front of these. For just two Elixir, the Spear Goblins can add high DPS and aren’t as vulnerable to splash damage when supported behind a tank as the Goblins due to their range.

If Spear Goblins have anything in front of them, they can simply deal high damage to the opponent’s tower. This is good because most players are unwilling to counter the Spear Goblins allowing for fast damage.

Spear Goblins are powerful as air troop destroyers, lures, or tower whittlers, but they’re ineffective when used on offense. Spear Goblins are very just like Archers in just about all stats, but Archers cost 1 more Elixir and are somewhat better in every way (except speed and amount of troops spawned). When paired with all the Zap for example, a Minion Horde can be easily defeated by them.

Spear Goblins with the aid of Crown Towers can take out a Prince. They should set the Spear Goblins 4 tiles to 3 tiles up and the facility. The next Crown Tower may also damage the Prince, taking him outside, when the Prince attacks the Spear Goblins.

Super Mario Run Arrives Soon

Just 5 days.

5 measly days.

5 long, stretched out, agonizing days.

That’s when Super Mario Run gets here.

Here’s some Super Mario Run reading to keep you busy while waiting.

Super Mario Run Home Page (Nintendo)

You Won’t Be Able to Play Super Mario Run Offline

Super Mario Run Will Make a Lot of Money (Forbes)

You Can Play a Demo Right Now (Forbes)

It’s Expected to be a Massive Hit (Quartz)

Super Mario Run News (soup.io)

I’ve already signed up for the alert on the iOS App Store. So now I just need to keep counting down the days. Patiently.
